Thank you for your interest in the DCP Lab! We run a number of studies for children of all ages; the study we are currently running is looking at social development in children aged 3 to 6 years. This study involves visiting our lab at UCL. Your child/children will receive compensation for their participation. If you are interested in having your child participate in our research, please fill in the form below to provide us with your contact information, so we can arrange to reach out about our research and confirm your child's eligibility.
Below the form you will also find some answers to frequently asked questions.
Frequently asked Questions:
What will my child be doing?
At the DCP Lab we collect different kinds of information. Our studies usually involve a variety of things including MRI scans, questionnaires, computer games or paper and pencil tasks. The tasks are usually fun and not too difficult.
None of our tasks are harmful to your child. You will be informed of the tasks that your child will be exposed to before you decide if you would like to have them participate. Furthermore, if your child is at all uncomfortable during any part of the experiment they are free to stop. They will be reminded of this throughout the experiment.
Are MRI scans safe?
There are no known or foreseeable risks or side effects associated with MRI scanning procedures. Only individuals who have electrically, magnetically or mechanically activated implants, or metal in or on their bodies are at risk, because the MRI machine makes use of a large magnet to take the images. Therefore, we screen all potential participants to ensure that they are safe to have an MRI and carefully remove all metal from eligible participants before they are approved to enter the MRI environment. We will provide more detailed information about MRI scanning if you and your child or teen come in to participate.
All of the data we collect from you will be held in accordance with the Data Protection Act (1998) and will be kept strictly confidential. We never report data from a single individual, but instead look at data from groups of individuals, so that no-one can be identified.
Will my child be compensated?
Your child will receive compensation for their participation in the form of book or gift vouchers or a gift from our selection. Furthermore, if your child has participated in an MRI study, they will receive a photo of their brain. Apart from that we will always reimburse reasonable travel expenses. We are located in central London, close to Euston, Russell Square and Euston Square stations (see also here on how to find us).
Will I have to do anything?
We do ask that you accompany your child to their appointment so we can receive your written consent for their participation. You may also be asked to fill out questionnaires that will provide us with more information about your child.
Further questions?
If you would like more information about our research, please do not hesitate to contact us through the contact us page or by emailing us at For directions to the lab also see the contact us page.